60/M c/o fever since 10 days and multiple joint pains since 1 yr


This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment .

N Joshua Paul, Intern

Pt c/o fever since 10 days which is high grade and is relieved on taking medication and is associated with chills and rigours which is more during nights 

C/o multiple joint pains (both hands metacarpophalangeal joints + both knee joints + both elbow joints) since 1 yr

Joint restriction present 

Morning stiffness present 

H/o trauma to left leg in the middle toe 1 month back

No c/o cough 

C/o weight loss since 6 months 

C/o decreased urine output

C/o lower limb swelling since 1 year pitting type till ankle

H/o chronic NSAID’s abuse since 1 yr for joint pains

N/k/c/o Htn dm tb asthma cva cad

Perosnal history-

Diet - Non veg

Appetite-decreased since 1 month

Bowel movements- Regular

Sleep - Adequate 

Addictions- smoked chutas 1 pack for 20 yrs stopped 1 yr back

No significant family history 


Pt is c/c//c

Pallor - Mild

Icterus - No

Clubbing - Yes

Cyanosis- No

Lymphadenopathy- No

Edema - b/l pitting upto knees

Temp - 101 F

PR - 78 bpm

BP -120/70 mmhg

Grbs - 90 mgdl

CVS - S1 S 2 + 


P/A - Soft and NT


GAIT - Slow

Joint tenderness :  R    L

MCP joints            +     + ( joint restriction present)

DIP                       +       +

PIP                         +       +

Provisional Diagnosis:

?Rheumatoid Arthritis with ? Ckd with lt foot cellulitis


Hb - 8.7 gmdl

Plt - 4.46 

Tlc - 17600

Rbs - 109 mgdl

Blood urea - 68 mgdl

Urine albumin - ++

Crp - 1.2 mgdl - Positive 

Esr -

RA - Negative

Sr creat - 2.5

Na - 135

K - 3.7

Cl - 104

Ca - 1.30

Blood cultures-

Urine cultures-

Uric Acid -




Grade 2 RPD changes in Rt kidney

Grade 3 RPD changes in Lt kidney

Plan of Treatment-

Tab Dolo 650 mg po/tid

Inj Neomol 1 gm IV/SOS ( if temp >101F)

Tab lasix 40 mg po/bd

Tab mvt po/od

Tab ultracet po/bd

Tab nodosis po/bd

Tab shelcal ct po/od


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