33 year old male, pain in epigastric region since 4 days (11/9/23)

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box"

I’ve been assigned this case as an intern in an attempt to understand the topic of ‘patient clinical data analysis’ to improve my competency in reading and comprehending the clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and the treatment plan.


The patient and the attenders have been adequately informed about this documentation and privacy of the patient is entirely conserved. No identifiers shall be revealed throughout the piece of work whatsoever.

Intern : N Joshua Paul 

Unit 1


A 33yr old male, resident of ramannapet, painter by occupation, came to the OPD with chief complaints of Pain in abdomen since 4 days.


The patient was apparently asymptomatic 4days ago when he developed pain in the epigastric region, which was of colicky type, radiating to the back. The pain aggravated on food or water intake, relieved on bending forward.

The pain was associated with an episode of vomiting which was of projectile type, non bilious and wi5 water as its content.

The patient consumed alcohol 4 days ago
No history of trauma to the abdomen, fever, diarrhoea, constipation, Malena, cough, SOB, burning micturition, reduced urine output.

PAST HISTORY : Similar complaints 6 and 2 years back

6 years ago he developed similar abdominal pain and visited a local physician and was prescribed medication. The pain subsided on the usage of medication 

Then again 2 years ago he had similar complaints and visited KIMS. The pain subsided after usage of prescribed medication.

He is N/K/C/O HTN, DM, TB, CVD, Asthma, Epilepsy, Thyroid disorders, Blood transfusions.

 PERSONAL HISTORY : The patient is married. A painter by occupation. His diet is mixed and his appetite is decreased since 3 days which was otherwise normal.
 His sleep is adequate  
 Has regular bowel movements   
 Micturition is normal 
 No known allergies
Occasionally consumes alcohol since 10 years.

 FAMILY HISTORY : No significant family history


 The patient was informed about the examination and prior consent was  taken. The examination was done in both supine and sitting position in a well lit room.

The patient was conscious, coherent, co operative 
 - well oriented to time and place
 - well built and adequately nourished 
 - no pallor
 - no icterus 
 - no cyanosis
 - no clubbing of fingers
 - lymphadenopathy 
 - no pedal edema 
 - no malnutrition 
 - no malnutrition 
 - no signs of dehydration 

 Temp - afebrile
 Pulse rate - 86 bpm, regular rhythm, normal volume
 Respiratory rate - 18cpm
 BP - 120/90 mmhg
 SpO2 - 98% at RA 


 Cardiovascular System 
 - no thrills
 - cardiac sounds S1 and S2 heard
 - no cardiac murmurs 

 Respiratory System 
 - no dyspnea
 - no wheeze
 - tracheal position is central
 - breath sounds : vesicular 
 - no adventitious sounds heard

 - tenderness present (in the epigastric region)
 - shape : scaphoid
 - no scars, striae or engorged veins 
 - bowel sounds heard
 - no bruits, rubs
 - no shifting dullness
 - no fluid thrill
 - no palpable mass
 - hernia orifices : normal
 - liver: not palpable
 - spleen : not palpable

 - conscious
 - normal speech
 - cranial nerves
 - motor and sensory systems normal







Course in the hospital 
1. The patient is restricted from enteric diet
2. IVF NS/RL/DNS 75ml/hr

3. Inj TRAMADOL 1amp in 100 ml of NS IV/SOS
4. Inj PAN 40mg IV/OD 
5. Inj THIAMINE 1 amp in 100 ml NS  IV/OD

1. The patient is restricted from enteric diet
2. IVF NS/RL/DNS 75ml/hr
3. Inj TRAMADOL 1amp in 100 ml of NS IV/SOS
4. Inj PAN 40mg IV/OD 
5. Inj THIAMINE 1 amp in 100 ml NS  IV/OD
6. Tab CINOD 10mg PO/BD
7. BP, PR monitored


S : patient is asymptomatic as of today, abdominal pain subsided.
O : 
PR - 80bpm
BP - 150/100 mmhg
CVS - S1 S2 heard, no murmurs
RS - Bilateral airways entry present 
P/A - soft, non tender
CNS - NO Focal neurological deficits
A : 
1) Acute on chronic Pancreatitis 
2) De novo hypertension 
3) Alcohol and Tobacco dependence Syndrome
P : 
1.patient allowed on oral fluids and soft diet
2. IVF NS/RL/DNS 75ml/hr
3. Inj TRAMADOL 1amp in 100 ml of NS IV/SOS
4. Inj PAN 40mg IV/OD 
5. Inj THIAMINE 1 amp in 100 ml NS  IV/OD
6. Tab CINOD 10mg PO/BD
7. BP, PR 2nd hourly monitoring


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